Elevate your well-being with our expert-guided sessions, tailored to recover, repair, and restore your body.

See how our classes can benefit you

Restorative Mobility

Unlock the secrets of mobility techniques that enhance flexibility and soothe aching muscles.

Breathwork Series

Harness the power of your breath for relaxation, stress reduction, and improved mental clarity.

Vibration Board Therapy

Discover the science behind vibration therapy and its transformative effects on your body.

Our Classes

  • Trifecta Restore

    In this 1-hour recovery class, you will be guided through various modalities of recovery paired with assisted stretching, gentle infrared heat, and manual therapy. Not a workout, this is ideal for those wanting to recover, relax and restore. This class will aid in overall muscle recovery by increasing soft tissue mobility and flexibility along with lymphatic drainage. Your main tools will include foam rollers, trigger point balls, and vibration plates.

  • Roll & Recover

    This 60 minute class will address all of your mobility needs. We will focus on helping loosen all of your muscles with various recovery tools to include foam rollers, mobility domes, trigger balls, vibration boards, stretching devices, and tools to improve the fascia.

  • Strength & Stretch

    Get ready to balance your body with the ultimate Trifecta. This 60 minute class will address all of your needs to include strength, balance, and overall mobility. Strength and Stretch will guide you through a series of exercises that will help you improve your total self. This class will use vibration boards, TRX, Bungee Cords, bands, stretch straps, trigger balls, mobility domes, fascia tools, and anything else we can think of to help you be at and feel your best.

  • PlungeX Restore

    In this class, we're bringing you the ultimate blend of restorative mobility, vibration board therapy for lymphatic drainage and muscle recovery, breathwork mastery, and the invigorating world of cold plunge therapy.

    *This is not a regularly scheduled class

  • Tri-Therapy Circuit

    Indulge in the ultimate recovery experience with our Tri-Therapy Circuit class at Trifecta. In this unique session, participants pair up to rotate through NormaTec compression therapy, cold plunge therapy, and infrared sauna therapy. Each duo will enjoy the benefits of targeted compression, invigorating cold immersion, and soothing infrared heat, creating a comprehensive recovery journey. This dynamic circuit not only enhances muscle recovery but also promotes circulation, reduces inflammation, and leaves you feeling rejuvenated. Elevate your wellness routine with the power of three specialized therapies, all seamlessly integrated for a transformative and refreshing experience.

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